Kehrt + Associates


CPA services that allow you to focus on your business. We provide a wide variety of solutions for our clients.


Our firm’s primary focus is tax work, and we have decades of experience in a wide array of tax areas, including:

  • Individual income tax
  • Business tax returns in areas such as rental real estate, hospitality/dining, equine, construction, manufacturing, investment, and many more
  • Tax planning and projections for accurate estimated payments
  • Trust, estate, and gift tax
  • Not-for-profit returns
  • Back taxes and professional responses to notices from IRS and other tax authorities
  • Tax payment (installment) plans

Consulting Services

We partner with our clients to provide advice throughout the year, not just at tax time.

  • New business formation with Federal, State, and Local authorities
  • Divorce consulting and related financial planning
  • Quarterly tax planning consultations to minimize amounts owed and optimize your annual return
  • Federal, AMT, and State basis calculations for your business interests
  • Proper tax treatment of various investment vehicles

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Our bookkeeping services range from annual consultations up to a complete outsourcing of your accounting needs to our experienced staff. Handing off bookkeeping can take some pressure off of you and your business, but it also makes your tax work much easier in the spring.

  • Monthly bookkeeping and generation of financial reports
  • Preparation of W-2s and 1099s
  • Payroll processing
  • Sales tax filings
  • We can also help advise you on the right software solution for your bookkeeping needs

Get in touch with us today

(859) 224-4688